PIWet - PIB: Ostatnio dodane
Wyświetlanie pozycji 81-100 z 655
Deletion of MGF505-2R Gene Activates the cGAS-STING Pathway Leading to Attenuation and Protection against Virulent African Swine Fever Virus
(MDPI, 2024)African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the etiological agent causing African swine fever (ASF), affecting domestic pigs and wild boar, which is currently the biggest animal epidemic in the world and a major threat to the swine ... -
Modified polymeric biomaterials with antimicrobial and immunomodulating properties
(NATURE, ENGLAND, 2024)The modification of the surgical polypropylene mesh and the polytetrafluoroethylene vascular prosthesis with cecropin A (small peptide) and puromycin (aminonucleoside) yielded very stable preparations of modified biomaterials. ... -
The Identification and Quantification of 21 Antibacterial Substances by LC-MS/MS in Natural and Organic Liquid Fertilizer Samples
(MDPI, Basel, 2024)Antibiotics in animal production are widely used around the world for therapeutic and pre-ventive purposes, and in some countries, they still serve as antibiotic growth stimulants. Regardless of the purpose of using ... -
Essential and non-essential element concentrations in human milk samples and the assessment of infants’ exposure
(NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, ENGLAND, 2024)We aimed to investigate the concentrations of essential and non-essential elements in human milk (HM) samples. Additionally, the assessment of infants’ intake of analysed elements was evaluated. In total, 18 elements were ... -
Zaburzenia w rozrodzie na tle zakażeń mykoplazmowych u bydła
(Elamed MEDIA GROUP, 2024)Zakażenia mykoplazmowe odgrywają ważną rolę w etiologii zaburzeń w rozrodzie u bydła, do których należą m.in. trudności z zacieleniem, dystocja, przedwczesny poród, ronienia, upadki cieląt w wieku neonatalnym czy też ... -
Choroby odzwierzęce ludzi przenoszone drogą pokarmową oraz ich bakteryjne czynniki etiologiczne u zwierząt i w żywności w krajach Unii Europejskiej w 2022 r.
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2024)In November 2023, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), published latest report on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in the European Union ... -
Substancje perfluoroalkilowe w żywności
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2024)Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), are a group of chemicals that belongto the persistent organic pollutants (POPs). They are widely distributed,degradation resistant, bioaccumulative, able to be transported by the air, ... -
Cytokine inflammatory response in dairy cows with mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2024)IntroductionThe aim of the study was evaluation of the concentrations of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-8, IL-12β and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) in the serum and milk of cows with mastitis caused by Streptococcus ... -
Serological characterisation of Lagovirus virus-like particles originating from native and mutated VP60 of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus 2 and European brown hare syndrome virus
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2024)Introduction: Since lagoviruses cannot be cultivated in vitro, using expression systems is an alternative and promising way of producing viral antigens for diagnostic purposes. It offers the possibility of their use as ... -
MicroRNAs participate in the regulation of apoptosis and oxidative stress-related gene expression in rabbits infected with Lagovirus europaeus GI.1 and GI.2 genotypes
(FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2024)MicroRNAs (miRs) are a group of small, 17–25 nucleotide, non-coding RNAthat regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. To date, littleis known about the molecular signatures of regulatory interactions ... -
The European livestock resistome
(American Society for Microbiology, 2024)Understanding the occurrence, diversity, and drivers for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is important to focus future control efforts. So far, almost all attempts to limit AMR in livestock have addressed antimicrobial ... -
Problemy w diagnostyce lentiwirusów małych przeżuwaczy (SRLV)
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2024)Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs), it is a group, which include, maedi-visna virus(MVV), and caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). They cause multisystemic,chronic infections and inflammatory lesions in the affected ... -
Prevalence and quantitative assessment of foodborne viruses on the imported mussels in Polish market
(ELSEVIER SCI, 2024)The aim of this study was an assessment of the prevalence of human enteric viruses such as norovirus (NoV) and hepatitis A and E virus (HAV, HEV) in mussels sold on the Polish market. In addition, the presence of human ... -
Simultaneous determination of sulfonamides, trimethoprim, amoxicillin and tylosin in medicated feed by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2024)Introduction: The article presents a rapid and simple analytical procedure for determination of four sulfonamides(sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine and sulfamethoxazole), trimethoprim, tylosin and amoxicillin in ... -
Gastric ulcers in finishing pigs: the evaluation of selected non-dietary risk factors and impact on production performance
(BMC, 2024)BackgroundThe complex aetiology of gastric lesions in pigs remains largely unknown and effective preventive measures and pharmaceutical treatment of the disease have not been developed yet. Regardless of the fact that the ... -
Charakterystyka wybranych bakterii jelitowych występujących u obcych gatunków żółwi
(Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny-PIB w Puławach, 2023)Głównym celem badań realizowanych w pracy doktorskiej było dostarczenie dowodów naukowych na poparcie tezy, że obce gatunki żółwi są nie tylko inwazyjne dla środowiska, ale mogą też stanowić zagrożenie epidemiczne jako ... -
Kryzysy dioksynowe oraz przepisy prawne dotyczące dioksyn
(Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna, 2024)Dioxins (PCDD/PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), still remain ofinterest to the European Union due to their toxic effects even at very low doses.However, it was only after the so-called “Belgian crisis”, that ... -
Probiotic supplementation as an alternative to antibiotics in broiler chickens
(National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy; Poland, 2024)Introduction: The broiler chicken digestive tract microbiome maintains the bird’s immunity. Its composition has been shown to be important not only for the immune system but also for the gastrointestinal function and ... -
Analiza struktury genomów bakterii z rodzaju Chlamydia
(Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny-PIB w Puławach, 2023)Bakterie należące do rodziny Chlamydiaceae i rodzaju Chlamydia, są rozpowszechnione na całym świecie i występują zarówno u ludzi, jak również zwierząt hodowlanych oraz wolno żyjących. Zwłaszcza ptaki i gady są częstymi ... -
Impact of changes in governance for Rodenticide use on Non-Target Exposure in Red Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes)
(KeAi, 2024)Wildlife is at risk of exposure to rodenticides used in pest management. An industry-led stewardship scheme introduced new rules on use and sale of products across the UK in 2016, with the aim of reducing this risk. To ...