Występowanie zakażeń Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex u zwierząt. Część III. Rozpoznawanie gruźlicy u gatunków innych niż bydło
Życie Weterynaryjne
Krajewska-Wędzina, Monika
Anusz, Krzysztof
Didkowska, Anna
Orłowska, Blanka
Kozieł, Nina
Weiner, Marcin
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Tuberculosis (TB), is a contagious disease of humans and many animal species. The etiological agent of tuberculosis are bacteria (mycobacteria), belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). Surveillance of TB in animal species other than cattle is very important, since free-living animals can become a reservoir of MTBC in the environment. The problem is multifactorial. It mainly concerns the lack of reliable tools for the intravital identification of infected and sick animals. Ante mortem diagnosis of TB in animal species other than cattle is challenging due to severe limitations of existing diagnostic methods, lack of species-specific reagents, and insufficient number of animals available for test development. Promising tools are serological methods, including: MAPIA - multi-antigen print immunoassay and dual path platform - DPP assay.
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